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Our Mision:
"Our mission is to provide holistic ministry to the whole person, nurturing spiritual growth, fostering authentic relationships, and equipping individuals to live out their God-given purpose. Through compassionate service, transformative teaching, and vibrant worship, we seek to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our community."


Our Vision:

"To create a vibrant and inclusive community of believers who passionately pursue God's presence, embracing authentic relationships, and impacting the world with love, hope, and transformation. Through our ministry to the whole person, we strive to foster spiritual growth, address the holistic needs of individuals, and empower them to live purposeful lives for the glory of God."

Ministry to the whole person

Ministry to the whole person is a sacred calling that necessitates addressing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of human existence. Neglecting any one aspect diminishes the fullness of God's intention for our lives. By recognizing the interconnectedness of these dimensions, we can promote holistic well-being and transformation. Let us embrace a ministry that values the physical, nurtures emotional health, cultivates mental well-being, and fosters spiritual growth. In doing so, we mirror the example of Jesus, who ministered to individuals holistically, offering love, healing, and restoration. May we, as His followers, commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of ministry to the whole person, empowering individuals to thrive in every dimension

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