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10 frequent questions asked by people who want to know God. By Lora D. Charles

  1. Who is God?

  2. What is the nature of God?

  3. Is there evidence for the existence of God?

  4. How can I know God personally?

  5. What is the purpose of life according to Christianity?

  6. How can we understand the will of God?

  7. Can science prove or disprove the existence of God?

  8. What is the difference between God and a higher power?

  9. How does one reconcile the existence of God with the existence of evil and suffering in the world?

  10. What is the relationship between God and religion?

I grew up in the church. I'm literally talking straight from my mothers womb. Been in it pretty much my whole life with the exceptions of jumping in and out a few years here and there. Although I have been in it most of my life for the first 28 years I didn't know God. I knew about God, but didn't have a real committed relationship. I knew his voice, but literally didn't know it was the voice of God. Now that I know, I know. I believe in order to truly find out who I am I had to find out who God is. I know the only tools I had was a bible and church folk. And I was thinking as a young lady "Let me go to the bible cuz church aint always on point". I started reading until I fell asleep sometimes. I would jump up out of my sleep and start again until I fell asleep again. I would play Gospel songs and listen to men and women of God on the radio and tv trying to get to know God. They all were good. They led me to God, but it wasn't until I started praying that I obtained a relationship with God. I didn't mock anybody cuz it looked like the struggle was real and they were doing the most, but receiving little. So I developed a way of just speaking to him as often as I could no matter where I was. Mostly giving thanks trying to cover up for all of the complaining I did in the past lol. People have asked me about God and how to know him and develop relationship so here is my take based on some questions I researched, but have also been asked.

Who is God? God is the supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe. God is described as a spirit. In John 4:24, Jesus says "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." This means that God is not a physical being, but rather a spiritual being. He is often described as all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving.

What is the nature of God? The nature of God is often described as a Trinity, ( the word trinity is not found in the bible) consisting of the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

Is there evidence for the existence of God? God's existence can be inferred through reason, experience, and scripture. He is the creator and ruler of the universe. The comfort of the holy spirit and moral law within our hearts, provide evidence for the existence of God.

How can I know God personally? You can come to know God personally through faith in Jesus Christ and by accepting Him as Lord and savior. (Romans 10:9) This is often described as being "born again" or having a "personal relationship" with Go

d. The purpose of life is to have a personal relationship with God, to love and serve Him, and to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ with others.

How can we understand the will of God? Understanding the will of God is often considered to involve reading and studying the Bible, as well as prayer and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. I believe that God can reveal his will through personal circum

stances and the wise counsel of other believers as well. I don't limit the omnipresent (everywhere) God to the four walls of church or my finite (limited) mind.

Can science prove or disprove the existence of God? As far as the relationship between science and the existence of God is a subject of debate I personally believe that science is constantly running into the existence of God. They may refer to God as "Divine intelligence". We know God is Elohim.

What is the difference between God and a higher power? God is the one and only supreme being, creator and ruler of the universe, who is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving. The world refers to A higher power, on the other hand, may refer to any supernatural or spiritual force that is believed to have some level of influence or control over the world, but is not necessarily considered to be the true and living God.

How does one reconcile the existence of God with the existence of evil and suffering in the world? The existence of evil and suffering in the world is a complex issue and one that has been addressed in different ways. In Isaiah 55:8-9 it says "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." This passage is often understood to mean that God's ways and thoughts are beyond human understanding and that our understanding of God is limited. It also implies that human reasoning and perspective is not always correct and that we should trust in God's wisdom and plans. God as all-knowing and all-powerful, and his ways and thoughts are not always the same as our own. He allows things because he is God.

What is the relationship between God and religion? The relationship between God and religion is that the true and living God is the foundation of Christianity, and all the beliefs and practices of Christianity revolve around God. Though often referred to as a religion, it really is a direct a lifestyle of relationship.

In conclusion, the desire to know God is a common human experience. Throughout history, people have asked many questions about who God is, what is the nature of God, and how one can come to know God personally. Christianity offers answers to these questions through its teachings on the nature of God as a Trinity, the existence of God can be inferred through reason, experience and scripture, and how one can come to know God personally through faith in Jesus Christ and accepting Him as Lord and savior. Understanding the will of God can be obtained by reading and studying the Bible, prayer, and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. I personally advise anyone who may be struggling to know God to seek out mentors. Go to a large church with ministry set in place for mentorship or a small church where the Pastor and leadership can have a personal one on one mentor relationship with you. No man is an island. Sometimes we just simply need someone to point the way or take us there. I don't believe you can know God in his fullness, He's eternal. I do believe he will allow you to get know him intimately based on his wisdom pertaining what you should know.

Love, Lora

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