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I know God loves me, But does He like me???

As I sit here, thinking about life and all its twists and turns, a question pops into my mind—a question that’s been bouncing around in my head for a while: Does God love me, but does He really like me too? It’s something a lot of us might wonder about at some point. We know God's love is real and deep, but what about the idea of Him actually liking us? Let’s dig into this and see what the Bible has to say.

When we talk about God's love, we usually think of a love that never ends, a love that holds us down no matter what. It’s that kind of love that sees past our mess-ups and still holds us close. The Bible backs this up: “But God showed His love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:8, NLT). God’s love isn’t based on how perfect we are; it’s all about who He is.

But liking someone? That’s a whole other thing, right? Liking someone means you enjoy being around them, you vibe with them. So, does God, in all His greatness, have people He likes? Does He find joy in who we are? The Bible says, “For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He crowns the humble with victory” (Psalm 149:4, NLT). This tells us God doesn’t just love us—He actually takes pleasure in who we are.

We’re all different, like unique threads in a huge tapestry that God is weaving together. And God, the master artist, carefully put us all together with our own personalities and quirks. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT). Just like a parent loves each child’s unique personality, God delights in the variety He’s put in His creation.

Now, if you’re a parent, you know what it’s like when your kid is just doing the most—pushing your buttons, acting out, maybe even making you question your sanity for a minute. In those moments, you might not like what they’re doing. You might even feel like you don’t like them at that exact moment. But deep down, your love for them never wavers. Even when you’re frustrated or hurt by their actions, that love is still there, holding everything together. It’s like when God looks at us and sees us acting up or going off track. Sure, He might not be thrilled with what we’re doing, but that doesn’t change His love for us one bit. “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him” (Psalm 103:13, NIV).

Throughout the Bible, there are stories of people who might have felt like God didn’t like them—or at least like He was upset with them. Take Job, for example. He lost everything—his wealth, his kids, his health—and even his friends thought God was punishing him. But in the end, God showed that He had never stopped caring for Job. Or think about Jonah, who tried to run away from God’s call and ended up in the belly of a big fish. It might have seemed like God was done with him, but God still used Jonah to save an entire city.

Then there’s David, who messed up big time with Bathsheba. He had to face some serious consequences, and it might have seemed like God was against him. But David was still called “a man after God’s own heart.” And what about Peter? He denied Jesus three times, probably feeling like he had blown his chance at being in God’s good graces. But Jesus restored him and made him a leader in the early Church.

We could also talk about Paul, who used to persecute Christians. If anyone seemed like they were beyond God’s liking, it would have been Paul. But God turned his life around and made him one of the most important apostles. Even Moses, who disobeyed God’s command in a moment of frustration, might have felt like he had fallen out of favor. But Moses still led the Israelites right to the edge of the Promised Land.

These stories show us that even when it seems like God might not be happy with us, His love and purpose for us never fade. He knows we’re not perfect, and He’s still right there with us, loving us through it all. The Bible says, “The Lord is like a father to His children, tender and compassionate to those who fear Him. For He knows how weak we are; He remembers we are only dust” (Psalm 103:13-14, NLT). God’s understanding of our human frailty does not lessen His love or delight in us. His grace covers our shortcomings, and His love remains steadfast.

So, does God like us? The answer might be found in the quiet moments, in the warmth of His presence, and in the joy that fills our hearts. “For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation” (Psalm 100:5, NLT). In the big picture, each of us plays our own unique role, and God finds joy in every note we bring to the world.

In the end, God’s affection is a beautiful mystery. His love is big enough to hold all our strengths and weaknesses. And maybe, just maybe, His liking us is reflected in the love we show to others—a small part of His endless grace. “We love each other because He loved us first” (1 John 4:19, NLT).

Let’s soak in the beauty of His love, feel secure in His approval, and embrace the mystery of God’s never-ending affection.

Please note: The content of this blog post is meant for introspection and reflection. It aims to explore the concept of divine love and approval, offering insights into the enigmatic nature of God's affection.

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