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"Lust, Loyalty & betrayal" The story of Tamar, by Lora D. Charles

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

I remember the first time I read the story of Tamar. I was sad a bit angry and also disgusted. I was thinking wow these things have been happening sense the days of old. My thoughts took me on a journey into the bible as if I was there standing as a witness to this. The story of Tamar can be found in the Book of 2 Samuel 13.Tamar was the sister of Absalom, the son of King David who rebelled against his father and ultimately met a tragic end. That's another story, I may preach that one day, But not here I am sticking to the women of the bible for now.

Tamar's story begins with a shocking event. Tamar had a half brother who was obsessed with her. One day he pretended to be sick and requested her presence to come and make him food. She came, and while she was there she was raped by her half-brother Amnon. This act was a grave violation and left Tamar deeply traumatized. After the rape, Amnon rejected her. Tamar sought justice for herself by speaking out about the rape and seeking refuge. She fled to her brother Absalom and told him what had happened to her. Absalom was outraged by the rape and sought to avenge her honor. He planned to kill Amnon in retaliation, but ultimately decided against it and instead plotted to overthrow his father, King David. As we know, this rebellion was unsuccessful, and Absalom was killed in battle.

Tamar's story is one of tragedy and resilience. Despite the horrific trauma she experienced, she was able to find the strength to move on and seek justice for herself. Her story serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for oneself and fighting for what is right, even in the face of great adversity. Tamar was able to seek justice for herself and her family by relying on the support and protection of her loved ones. Not everyone is as fortunate. It is important to note that while Tamar's actions show her as a strong and resilient woman, rape is always a heinous and inexcusable act. My prayer for you today is that if there is anyone that has an obsession with you unaware with intention to cause you harm, May the Lord expose them and shut them down in Jesus name. May the Angels of God protect you from dangers unaware. In Jesus name. Amen. God bless you and go forth. Love, Lora

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