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Take a break from repetition to reflect spiritually...

Every Monday without hesitation I take a break from Excessive interaction, Social media and anything electronic. No phone calls, No dates, No business, No working, No excessive talking or interaction with others, No social media post , I just sit and reflect. Sometimes indoors I just lay in my beautiful comfortable bed and tell God thank you and I love you. I express gratitude. Sometimes I just lay there and breathe in deeply and exhale deeply literally doing nothing. I tend to be an overthinker so I try not to think about too much of anything. Sometimes I go outdoors and I do some grounding. I take my shoes off and walk with my feet touching the earth so I can get reenergized. I love it. I grew up in home where walking around with your shoes off outside was a definite no, But I have always been one to do my own research for understanding and I realized its actually good for you. Its one of the things I loved to see when I was in Africa how it was normal to walk around with no shoes on. I tell everyone that Monday is my day of rest. I was born on a Monday so I that is why I chose that day. I am "Rebirthed" on that day weekly.

Go outside sometimes. Not just to get food or to check the mail. It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, constantly checking our phones and scrolling through social media. Taking a break from these distractions and spending some time in nature can be a great way to recharge and reconnect with ourselves.

Spending time in nature allows us to escape the constant stream of notifications and alerts and just be present in the moment. We can take a deep breath of fresh air, listen to the birds singing, and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. It's a chance to let go of our worries and stresses and just relax. I know it sound corny, But it works!!

Taking a break from the everyday stresses of life can be a great way to reflect spiritually and find inner peace also. In the busy and fast-paced world we live in, it can be easy to get caught up in our daily tasks and responsibilities and lose sight of what's truly important. Taking time to step back and connect with ourselves and our relationship with the Lord can help us find a sense of meaning and purpose in life.

No matter how you choose to reflect spiritually, the important thing is to make time for it in your life. By taking a break from the everyday stresses of life and focusing on your spiritual well-being, you can find a sense of inner peace and contentment that will serve you well in all aspects of your life. So, it is always good to take some time out from our busy lives and spend some time with ourselves to reflect and connect with our spiritual selves and the true and living God.

Love, Lora

Lora D. Charles is the Pastor of All Nations Tabernacle

The Author of 31 Days to heal and Multiple books for purchase on this site and also Amazon

She is a teacher of the word of God

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