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The Power of Hand Clapping in the Bible

Hand clapping is a gesture that is commonly used to express a variety of emotions, such as approval, joy, and celebration. However, in the Bible, hand clapping is often associated with more significant and powerful events, such as judgment and destruction.

In Job 27:23, Job speaks of clapping his hands in derision at the wicked who receive judgment. This gesture indicates his contempt for the evil and his satisfaction with their punishment. Similarly, in Ezekiel 21:17-18, the Lord commands his sword to be unsheathed and to strike both left and right, with the clapping of hands being used as a symbol of the sword's coming destruction. In both of these cases, hand clapping represents the power and authority of God to judge and punish the wicked.

However, hand clapping is also used to express joy and celebration in the Bible. In Isaiah 55:12, the prophet speaks of the mountains and hills clapping their hands in joy as the Lord leads his people home from exile. This gesture is a symbol of the restoration and renewal that God brings to his people, and the joy and celebration that accompanies it.

Finally, hand clapping is used to express fear and awe in the Bible. In Nahum 3:18, the prophet speaks of the king of Assyria's nobles being cast into the sea and their people clapping their hands in fear. This gesture represents the power and might of God and his ability to bring down even the most powerful rulers and nations.

Overall, the power of hand clapping in the Bible is multifaceted and complex. It can represent judgment and punishment, joy and celebration, and fear and awe. Ultimately, the power of hand clapping in the Bible reminds us of the majesty and sovereignty of God and his ability to bring about both justice and mercy.

Places that mention hand clapping or where people clapped their hands in the bible

  1. In 2 Kings 11:12, when Athaliah was dethroned, the people of the land clapped their hands and shouted for joy.

  2. In Job 27:23, Job speaks of clapping his hands in derision at the wicked who receive judgment.

  3. In Isaiah 55:12, the prophet speaks of the mountains and hills clapping their hands in joy as the Lord leads his people home from exile.

  4. In Lamentations 2:15, the prophet speaks of all those who pass by clapping their hands and hissing in derision at the destruction of Jerusalem.

  5. In Ezekiel 21:17-18, the Lord commands his sword to be unsheathed and to strike both left and right, with the clapping of hands being used as a symbol of the sword's coming destruction.

  6. In Nahum 3:18, the prophet speaks of the king of Assyria's nobles being cast into the sea and their people clapping their hands in fear.

  7. In Psalm 47:1, the psalmist calls on all the nations to clap their hands and shout with joy, for God is the great King over all the earth.

  8. In Ezekiel 6:11, the Lord says that he will clap his hands together in judgment against the people of Israel who have turned away from him.

  9. In Zechariah 2:10, the Lord says that he is coming to dwell among his people in Jerusalem, and that many nations will be joined to the Lord in that day, and will become his people. The prophet encourages the people of Jerusalem to sing and rejoice, and to clap their hands in celebration.

  10. In Job 34:37, the prophet Elihu speaks of the wicked who have rebelled against God, saying that they clap their hands at God and defy him to his face.

  11. In Isaiah 56:5, the Lord promises that he will give to his faithful servants a name that is better than sons and daughters, and that he will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off. The Lord declares that he will bring these faithful servants to his holy mountain, and that they will worship him there with joy and thanksgiving, clapping their hands in celebration.

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