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A word study in the context of biblical studies is an in-depth exploration of a specific word found in the Bible. The goal is to understand the word's original meaning, how it's used in different parts of the Bible, and its significance in the broader biblical narrative.

Here's a simplified breakdown:

  • Original Language: Most of the Bible was originally written in Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament). In a word study, you look at the word in its original language, because translations can sometimes miss nuances or specific meanings.

  • Meaning and Usage: You explore the various meanings of the word and see how it is used in different contexts within the Bible. The same word can have different shades of meaning in different passages.

  • Cultural and Historical Context: Understanding the cultural and historical context of the time when the word was used helps to grasp its full meaning. This can involve looking at how the word was used in other contemporary texts outside the Bible.

  • Theological Significance: You consider what the word reveals about God, faith, and spiritual principles. This is about connecting the word to the larger themes and teachings of the Bible.

  • Practical Application: Finally, you think about how the understanding of this word applies to modern life and personal faith. It’s about making the connection between the ancient text and today’s world.

Bible Study 20 Word Study

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